Friday, December 25, 2009

Random stuff

First of all, thousands of apologies for not updating my blog for so long. It has been rough since October coz I was preparing for SPM. Anyway, SPM is over....YAY!!!.... But, CRAP CRAP CRAP!!!... Fail my first law test for was easy but I failed. HOW ON EARTH????? Now, I have to resit and pay RM 27 again... listening to the person speaking in front about law *yawns* boring....

Got 2 tortoises recently and they STINK.....*phew*. I have to change the water every day because they seriously those photos but will upload in my next post.....It's really troublesome whenever they wanna eat different food. One of it loves tortoise food and the other one loves mango and refuses to eat tortoise food...But anyway, they're cute....

Will continue in my next post coz I'm speechless now......haha....