I really don't know wether is it the costume that they wore helped them or was it some other aspects. Anyway, I will never be happy with the final decision that those 'smart judges' came out with. They don't even deserve the first place trophy. Now, their presentation, all they did was just stealling videos from the net and that was their preentation. When I saw it, I went nuts. And I asked:"So, this is their presentation?" I turned and looked at my team mates, they went nuts too. using video as their presentation was so not professional. The worst thing was they wasn't even any sound when the interview was going on. WHAT THE HECK? And guess what? They freakin' won!!! I seriously wonder are those 'smart judges' blind or what? Gawd!!
Now St. Joseph! OMFG! A presentation using video too, which was super unprofessional. What the heck is going on with the judges? All that was in the video was only a few lame pictures.
WHAT THE HECK? And these were the people that got second.

And us, We F*****G got THIRD! Seriously, what's going on with the judges? We deserve a better result. DAMN IT! Our presentation was like 10 times better than them. We look much much more confident than them and how on earth can the other teams win! All of my team mates were super duper disappointed, upset, frustrated and devastated. Thanks to the judges that came out with the results. F*** YOU, JUDGES! What an unfair decision you guys came out with.

This is us during our presentation

This was the video camera that company us throughout our preperation and our competition